After Octavios murder in 2004, the control of Los Paez fell under Ignacio Paez Soto, alias "El Nachillo" and/or "C1." (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz Brothers He was the Plaza Boss of San Jose Bacum. (Source), REGION: Nogales, Magdalena, Santa Ana, Cucurpe. A un da que @lopezobrador_ estuvo en SONORA y cobr las cuotas al cartel @MxLibreAntiPG @HijosDeMx #NarcoEstado, Tido esta requetebin. (, ) Captured La Plaza operative Jacobo Prez Flores detailed on video that he reported to El Pitayo in March 2021. Los Paleteros were the strongest group in the region and shared operations with Ignacio. BLING88 adalah situs game slot online yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan menghasilkan uang asli. La "narco-guerra" que actualmente se desarrolla en el norte de Sonora entre los grupos del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, aliado del Crtel de Sinaloa y el grupo de Caborca que dirige Rodrigo Omar Paz Quintero, de 44 aos de edad, sobrino de Rafael Caro Quintero, tiene como epicentro un territorio donde se asienta una gran veta de oro. (, ) In March 2021, captured La Plaza operative Jacobo Prez Flores detailed on video that El 70 served as his protection and El 70 was in charge of taking care of cartel members who switched sides. (Source). Caborca municipality in specific has a growing mining industry that cartels in the area are fighting to control. En los ltimos meses se han registrado varios eventos violentos relacionados con el crimen organizado , incluyendo el asesinato de 12 civiles en la regin de Caborca el pasado 20 de junio. He reports to Sinaloa Cartels Ismael Zambada Garca, alias El Mayo. One of the narco messages hanging in Caborca, Sonora. (, ) Known associates of El Pablito include Chapo Alfredo, from Los Olivas. In July 2020, a four-day shootout broke out in Ures near El Negros home. The canvases were hung during the early hours of Saturday 3 on the elevated bridge on Quiroz and Mora Street. The administration of US President Barack Obama released a statement saying they were deeply concerned by Caro Quinteros release. They made their first public announcement in Sonora in mid-2019 by burning a rival gang member alive. El Monkey is probably a reference to Dexters Laboratory lol nice article you two. El Negro was able to escape alive. Come on bro you're honestly either a huge speedy fanboy, his best friend or just delusional. He was one of the three co-founders of one of Mexico's most powerful cartels of the late 1970s and 1980s, the Guadalajara Cartel along with . Los hechos supuestamente ocurrieron en Caborca, Sonora, segn el reporte ciudadano que divulg el portal El Observador, aunque un usuario refut y dijo que se trataba de un video viejo, cuya escena sucedi en Michoacn. El Gigio works closely with Leonardo Lopez, alias El 20. @narcoblogger. (, ) El Pelo China was one of the Caborca leaders named in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to President AMLO. Lo que ningn vecino de Caborca comprende es cmo un convoy de ese tamao pudo pasar por . (, PROFILE: He is believed to be the head of sicarios in Guaymas. (, He is a head of sicarios for La Plaza. Interesting aliases. (. Authorities say that Caro Quintero has taken advantage of the internal disputes in the Sinaloa Cartel to establish a foothold in Caborca, a Sonoran municipality that borders Pima County, Arizona, United States. . En la actualidad el grupo tiene una sangrienta disputa con la clula delictiva . If Flaquito goes Caf, SM is CAF, if Flaquito goes CJNG SM will too. Some of you guys think you're smart. The Caborca Cartel (Spanish: Crtel de Caborca) is a Mexican criminal organization commanded by the veteran drug lord Rafael Caro Quintero, (founder of the defunct Guadalajara Cartel) and concentrating its drug trafficking operations in the border municipality of Caborca. The Gulf of California, also known as the Sea of Cortes (Mar de Cortes), has long been used by drug traffickers to move drugs closer to the US-Mexico border. "[6] It was until January 2021 when federal intelligence sources confirmed that Caro Quintero runs the cartel. La cruenta narco guerra que actualmente protagonizan en el norte de Sonora los grupos del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, del Crtel de Sinaloa, y el grupo de Caborca que dirige . The Attorney Generals Office (FGR) secured an arrest warrant for El Pablito based on his probable participation in a homicide in Mexico City that occurred November 2020. (. They know where Caro is , but he is protected, he knows to much. The other municipalities make up the Yaqui Valley region of Sonora. Tras la detencin de uno de los narcotraficantes mexicanos ms buscados por EE.UU, una de las agrupaciones criminales ms recientes buscarn su hegemonia en los municipios de Caborca, Guaymas y Magdalena de Kino, en el estado mexicano de Sonora. He was executed by a hitman while he was in the parking lot of his restaurant in Obregon city on July 25 2020. Los Olivas is an organization that is aligned and works under the Caborca Cartel. PROFILE: He is a close associate of Chapo Alfredo and considered to be his right hand man. You obviously dont know. (Source). DESCRIPTION: The state of Sonora is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona. Yeah he may move some weight but everything he does is on behalf of Flaquito. The demonios section is wrong. He is the former leader of operations in Sonora for the Beltrn Leyva Cartel. (, ) In addition, in April 2021, El Tiko was named in a, that accompanied five dead bodies found on the side of the road in Caborca, Sonora. Actividades Actividades. Cajeme is a valuable region to control as it contains Obregn city, which is the second largest city in Sonora. And he concludes: "They want to snatch these towns away from their opponents and the authority knows it and turns a blind eye and doesnt stop them, they keep doing and undoing with impunity, affecting the population.". Enfrentamientos entre el Crtel de Sinaloa y un grupo local aterrorizan a la poblacin. If you can operate independent when needed than you have Capo status, Speedy works for someone and is just being used until he dies or arrested which won't be long. Miguel Caro Quintero was born in Caborca, Sonora, Mexico, in 1963.Previously arrested in 1992 on charges of tax evasion, he was found not guilty, which the DEA attributes to the use of threats and bribes by Caro Quintero.While imprisoned, it is believed Caro Quintero was still running the Sonora Cartel, where he is purging a prison sentence for racketeering, drug smuggling and money laundering. Speedy is no where near what Ramon was that one deserves an emoji. He and his brother El Mankio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (. El Negro was able to escape alive. He allegedly coordinates drug dealing activities in several areas such as: Libertad, Posadas del Sol, Las Fuentes, Prados del Tepeyac, Las Brisas, and Benito Jurez. (, PROFILE: He was named as a Sonora cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO. Ismael felix rodriguez mendigutia was also close to Klaus Barbie the nazi escapee in charge of producing Cocaine for german pharma and both got Pablo Escobar and Carlos Lehder in the business, rodriguez also helped kill escobar to keep him quiet about their dirty dealings. Adems, la polica de Sonora detall que en el vehculo donde fueron asesinadas las dos personas se encontraron drogas y que se inici la investigacin por los hechos.. En los videos que circulan en redes sociales se observa a los alumnos del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnolgico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS) 37 ubicado en Cajeme resguardarse ante los disparos que se escuchaban muy cerca. He was one of the three co-founders of one of Mexicos most powerful cartels of the late 1970s and 1980s, the Guadalajara Cartel along with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, alias Don Neto. They have strong El Mayo associations within the Sinaloa Cartel and they are closely aligned with the Caborca Cartel. Dos hombres, quienes supuestamente eran integrantes del Crtel de la Barredora que actualmente tiene un convenio con Rafael Caro Quintero alias el Narco de Narcos y que en conjunto se hacen . Reserva tu hotel cerca de Plaza Comercial Omega en Caborca. Caborca, Son. Tierra controlada aparentemente por Rafael Caro Quintero, mejor conocido como "El Narco de Narcos". Ahora se filtr un fuerte video en el que un grupo armado quema vivo a un hombre. Do better people. La ola de violencia se desencaden en la mitad de la ciudad, segn el alcalde, al menos en 40 de 72 colonias que hay en la demarcacin. Too much Netflix and Reddit. Just last December 4, the state secretary of Public Security, David Anaya Cooley, denied the presence of the "narco of narcos" in Caborca. PROFILE: El Chapn was Rafael Caro Quinteros brother-in-law and one of his top lieutenants within the Caborca Cartel. Le dispararon en ms de 50 ocasiones en el estacionamiento de un Oxxo en Caborca, Sonora. PROFILE: He is the former leader of Los Demonios up until his arrest in 2019. La Plaza has an armed cell known as xS, not to be confused with "Los Xs" the Tamaulipas/Chihuahua organization which is entirely different. El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother Tony Navidad. . @3:06 the irony is you're the only one who's used those words. Videos of the cartel convoy quickly went viral after the attack in Caborca, Sonora. 2:05. El enfrentamiento se produjo cuando los delincuentes intentaron rescatar al jefe de plaza de los llamados 'Chapitos' lue. Federal sources say that the Caborca Cartel has an alliance with a Sinaloa Cartel faction headed by Ismael El Mayo Zambada and is fighting against Los Chapitos, a Sinaloa Cartel faction headed by the children of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman. (, He is a head of sicarios for La Plaza. He operates primarily in the Las Golondrinas neighborhood. Son gente que trabaja normal y yo no s de los otros, pero es una comunidad chica que es gente muy trabajadora de por s, y bueno jvenes, ojal los devuelvan con vida, es lo que queremos, estamos pidiendo por ellos. The Olivas family first grew to prominence in the cartel world under the auspices of the Beltrn Leyva brothers who led the Beltrn Leyva Organization (BLO). (Source, Source, Source, Source), DESCRIPTION: La Plaza is a faction of the Caborca Cartel that is based in Empalme and Guaymas Valley. (Source,Source,Source), OTHER ALIASES: El Charral, El Grenas, Narco de Narcos(Source). Paquetes Paquetes. Salazar alias el Alfredillo y Ovidio Guzmn Lpez alias el Ratn o Nuevo Ratn, eso se termin y ahora el Narco de Narcos . According to the news outlet Milenio, the Caborca Cartel took shape in 2017 after Quintero allegedly called a . (, ) A criminal gang operating in Empalme called "Los del Tinaco allegedly reports to El Oliver. POSITION: Leader in Name for the Caborca Cartel ALIAS: Don Rafa NAME: Rafael Caro Quintero OTHER ALIASES: El Charral, El Grenas, Narco de Narcos (Source) STATUS: Active PROFILE: Rafael Caro Quintero was born on October 3, 1952 in La Noria, Sinaloa. (Source), On March 4 2021, El Pablito was arrested in Atizapn de Zaragoza, State of Mexico. Chapo Alfredo is the brother of Chapo Trini, from whom he inherited the organization from. He leads a group known as xS, an armed wing of La Plaza, alongside El 70. Caro Quintero has the highest bounty of all the fugitives listed on the DEAs most wanted list, with a reward of $20 million dollars being offered.
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